
If you are in the planning or design phase, please contact Jaime Burton and visit the "Process" tab of our website to understand the submittal process and requirements.

Design Guidelines

The Design Guidelines underwent a comprehensive review, amendment, and approval process by the Design Review Committee (DRC) and Board in April 2023. The revised guidelines have been communicated to the owners, builders and designer, and are now available for public access, encompassing significant changes. 

Notably, the Design Review Fee has been updated to reflect the demands of Custom Homes in the desing and construction process.  

Additionally, the guidelines now feature a range of miscellaneous items, such as Muted Color Palette, Exterior Material Board, Walk/Pathways and Critter Guards, that are vital to the design process, and owners as they improve their homes. 

SMOA Design Guidelines - 2023

Construction Guidelines

Benefit Village Construction Guidelines

Misc Guidelines & Exhibits

Muted Color Palette
SRP Guidelines - Assessibility

Plat & Village Maps

Owners may request copies of plat maps of individual lots from the Owners Association. Note that these are the original marketing plans created by Lyle Anderson; plat maps and site plans are provided for informational purposes only. All owners, potential owners, and their agents should verify the information contained therein with Pinal County to the satisfaction of the buyer, owner, or owner's agent.

For maps of individual Villages, visit the Neighborhoods section of this website, located on the top ribbon.